Friday, March 26, 2010

reading frenzy

as most of you know from previous posts, i love books and book cases. so why can't i find a good book to read?

it seems that lately every book i pick up, i read a little and toss it aside. nothing has really caught my attention in quite some time and it's driving me nuts.

what are you all reading these days?

i generally like biographies, historical stories, anything based in exotic foreign locals. one summer, i read everything i could find on picasso and another time i read all of hemingway's novels one after the other.



  1. I have been that way lately too! Have you read The Widow Clicquot?

  2. Hello my sweet. I hope you are having fun in the Land of Enchantment and eating as much green chile as possible. I stumbled upon this site today and thought...oh shells must see this...

  3. thank you so much for the book request, i'll check it out. new mexico was great and warm, got a little sun on my face. our friend is doing great. yes, i will check out this new blog, you know i love my frenchie stuff!

  4. I am glad to hear she is doing well. I have been distracted and haven't been in contact with her... i will handle that this week.
